Custom DJ Intros
and DJ Drops
Liners and Sweepers.....these terms are interchangeable
Brand the DJ/Station
We are!!....Hit Music...often with an artist IDing themselves....but also the DJ/station/club name included.....example...
*beating hit song*
Hey, this is (artist name)(maybe a couple back to back)...and you're listening to (DJ Name) at (club name)
Artist IDing themselves....
Also short sharp DJ/station/club name
Also called shots, stabs, stagers, and kickers
Out of break/into break/bumpers/drops
Pretty explanitory. Used to come out of breaks or to go into breaks..
When you're getting ready to talk on air, at the end of a song, you might want a simple DJ or club ID (simply the name of the DJ or club) to play with a little beat to lead into the music bed you'll be talking over. Usually REALLY 1 - 2 seconds long with an FX beat of some type.
Same kind of thing coming out of the break.
Some people call these bumpers, which makes sense, and it's what I was "rasied" to call them. (bumping the advert away)
Power intros/branded intros/song intros
These are special drops that incorporate a particular song into a piece that if used correctly, when people hear the song, they'll think of the DJ or club. An example would be my promo made for Redneckz, which uses 3 songs...Rodney Atkins - These Are My People....Tim McGraw - Down on the Farm....Craig Morgan - Redneck Yacht Club. This promo can be heard at
You might also hear liners and IDs forming part of the power intros as well.
Sponsorship tags
"The Kieran Broadmoor show....brought to you by doors....they're great at keeping you out of rooms!"
Pretty self explanatory.
Tagged Beds/top of hour/intros/openers/half times/closers
Lots of names for various things that are set pieces which will set up the various parts of your shows.
Pretty self explanatory. Intro/opener is what starts your show. Half time is played half way through the show (usually at the top of the 2nd hour if doing a 2 hour show) and closer is at the end. These may or may not include the club name or sponsors. I usually don't recommend including club or sponsors since you may want to use your intro/halftime/closer in other clubs around Second Life.
Demos/music demonstrators/music promos
Radio stations will often use hooks in popular songs to demonstrate the type of music they play, sometimes including Artist IDs in them....(think, "Hi, this is Lady Gaga...going into the hook for Pokerface)
Jingles and chorales
One of the things I find interesting is that in many places, especially in Europe, jingles are often interchangeable with sweepers or even top of hours whether spoken or sung. For me, however, a jingle is something with singing in it, as in, you've got a singer who you've got singing a strip line or station call letters. Back when I was at KUAM I actually had a jingle singing my name (yeah, I know....rather corny)
I don't make these...mainly because no one wants to hear me sing...and also getting them produced can be very expensive as they're most often done by professional singers in a full-on recording studio with a sound engineer on a 16 or 32 track production rack. (we're talking as much as $1000 USD for a 5 second sung name)
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a shout.